The Mathematical Mysteries of Kheops

- Célia Jeandel

The Mathematical Mysteries of Kheops

To create all our pyramids, we needed a harmonious, sacred and magical model.

Built during the 4th dynasty of the Pharaohs, the Great Pyramid of Khufu is one of the most fascinating constructions in the history of humanity.

This pyramid, located in the Giza Valley of Egypt, is one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Measuring approximately 138 meters high and built on a base of 215 meters. It is considered one of the most remarkable achievements of ancient architecture.

For centuries, researchers have studied the features of this pyramid, including its dimensions and proportions, in search of hidden secrets and symbolic meanings.

One of the most remarkable features of the Great Pyramid of Giza is its mathematical precision .

The dimensions of the pyramid are incredibly accurate, with errors of less than 1% in the measurements of its angles and sides. This precision is even more astonishing when you consider that this pyramid was built over 4,500 years ago, without the aid of modern tools and technology.

One of the most popular theories about the mathematical characteristics of the Great Pyramid is that of divine proportions . According to this theory, the pyramid is designed to reflect the divine proportions of the universe, using numbers such as the golden ratio (1.6180339887) and the Fibonacci ratio.

The golden ratio in the Pyramid of Cheops

The golden ratio , also known as phi ("φ"), is an irrational number that appears frequently in nature and the arts. It is considered to be one of the most aesthetic and harmonious proportions. According to some researchers, the golden ratio is used in the construction of the Great Pyramid of Giza to reflect this divine proportion in the universe.

It is possible to find the presence of the golden ratio in several measurements of the pyramid, such as for example, the proportion between the height of the pyramid and its base which is equal to phi, or the proportion between the length of the chamber of the queen and that of the king's chamber which is also equal to phi.

In addition, there are other mathematical characteristics that can be related to the golden ratio, such as the proportion between the sides of the pyramid which is close to 2 phi, or the angles of the pyramid which are close to phi degrees .

Fibonacci Ratio and Great Pyramid

The Fibonacci ratio is also considered to be one of the most aesthetic and harmonious proportions. It is based on the Fibonacci sequence, where each number after 0 and 1 is the sum of the two preceding numbers ( 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, ...)

secrets of the pyramid of cheops

According to some researchers, the Fibonacci ratio is used in the construction of the Great Pyramid to reflect the divine plan in the universe.

Geographical positioning of Khufu

In addition to these divine proportions, there are other mathematical peculiarities of the Great Pyramid. For example, the Great Pyramid is precisely aligned with the cardinal points , which is remarkable given that modern measuring instruments did not exist at the time it was built.

The Cheops Pyramid is notable for its precise alignment to geographic North, East, South and West. It is aligned with the North Star (also called Polaris or the North Star). This feature is even more astonishing when you consider that this pyramid was built over 4,500 years ago, without the aid of modern tools and technology.

The alignment of the pyramid is based on a process called the "gnomon method". This technique involves using a stick or gnomon to track shadows at different times of the day to determine the cardinal points. The architects of the pyramid used this technique to precisely align the pyramid with these 4 points, using the shadow of the gnomon to adjust the angles of the pyramid.

The alignment of the pyramid is so precise that it is possible to determine the latitude of the pyramid's location to within approximately 10 arc minutes. This precision is remarkable for the time in which it was built.

Furthermore, the alignment of the pyramid is considered a symbol of harmony between man and the universe , this shows the desire of the times to connect with the universe and harmonize with the forces of nature. This mathematical feature adds an additional dimension to the grandeur of the pyramid, showing how the ancient Egyptians were able to use advanced knowledge to build a monument that has endured for millennia.

Digital reports from Cheops and other sites

The Pyramid of Khufu is also known for its numerical relationships with other important historical sites.

There are remarkable similarities between the proportions of the Great Pyramid of Giza and those of the La Danta Pyramid in Guatemala . The proportions of these pyramids are similar, suggesting a transmission of mathematical and geometric knowledge between these cultures throughout history.

kheops pyramid aligned with other sites

Thus we also find similarities between the proportions of the Cheops pyramid and those of certain megalithic structures in Europe, such as the Poulnabrone dolmen in Ireland .

Other notable similarities appear between the distance of the Cheops Pyramid and that of sacred sites such as Stone Age England or Soumion in Greece . Especially since these sites are aligned with the solstices and equinoxes.

There are also remarkable similarities between the distance of the Cheops Pyramid and that of other important sites such as the temple of Delphi or that of Karnak .

Geometric properties of the sphere

Research has shown that the pyramid is designed to reflect the geometric properties of the sphere .

It is possible to find spherical characteristics in several measurements of the pyramid such as, for example, the angles of the faces of the pyramid are close to 51.84 degrees, which corresponds to the angle of the sphere.

Additionally, the central location of the pyramid is considered a point of convergence between earth and sky, relating to the idea of ​​a sphere as a symbol of unity and universality.

Physical properties

In addition to its mathematical and geometric characteristics, the pyramid also exhibits unique physical properties .

One of the most remarkable properties of the pyramid is its ability to retain heat . The stone blocks used to build the pyramid have unique thermal properties that help retain heat inside the pyramid, which can help maintain a stable temperature inside the pyramid.

There are also incredible acoustic properties in the pyramid. The interior chambers and corridors of the pyramid have acoustic properties that amplify sounds, which may have been used for religious rituals or sound practices at the time.

It is also important to note that the pyramid is built from natural materials such as granite and limestone, which have contributed through their physical and chemical properties to its strength over time.

What then was the use of the Cheops Pyramid?

There are several theories that attempt to explain the use and existence of the Cheops Pyramid.

One of the most common theories is that of the royal tomb . According to this theory, the pyramid was built as a tomb for Pharaoh Khufu, who ruled Egypt during the 3rd millennium BC. AD

Another theory is that of the pyramid as temple . According to this theory, the pyramid was built as a place of worship or religious rituals. Some researchers believe that the pyramid was used for religious ceremonies, such as sacrifices or offerings to gods.

There is of course the theory which highlights the mathematical and geometric precision of the pyramid by explaining that it is designed to reflect the divine proportions of the universe and situate us there .

Finally, there are more elaborate theories such as that of a pyramid with technical functionality , which suggests that the pyramids were high-tech machines, capable of generating energy.

kheops pyramid energy machine

The energy machine theory of the Cheops Pyramid is one of the most intriguing and controversial in the history of archaeology. According to this theory, the pyramid was designed and used as a machine to generate energy. Proponents of this theory argue that the pyramid was designed to capture and concentrate natural electromagnetic waves to generate energy.

Some say the pyramid could have been used for things like healing, remote communication, and even powering spaceships.

Even today, the Cheops Pyramid remains a mysterious building that continues to intrigue all researchers and history buffs. Despite the many discoveries and theories that have been formulated over the centuries, many secrets of this pyramid still remain to be unlocked.

We know many mathematical elements that were used to create this fantastic structure, but their true use and meaning still remains a mystery.

For the manufacture of our orgonite pyramids , it is of course on the Cheops Pyramid that our mold imprints its proportions. First for its perfect aesthetic, but also for the positive energy it diffuses.

  • J’ai lu ceci:
    “Il est possible de retrouver des caractéristiques sphériques dans plusieurs mesures de la pyramide comme par exemple, les angles des faces de la pyramide sont proches de 51,84 degrés, qui correspond à l’angle de la sphère.”

    Je serais bien aise que l’on me montre un angle dans une sphère.

    51.84°, c’est l’inverse du sinus de 1 divisé par la racine carrée du nombre d’or. (51.827° en fait)

    Yves Legault on
  • svp ya pas le sujet graand oral la

    emilien on
  • Parmi toutes ces théories, permettez moi de mentionner une, la plus palusible, qui malheureusement manque à votre liste, celle dont lea bible laisse des traces, c’est à dire que sa construction fut réalisée par le Dieu Tout puissant avec son Prophete Henoch.

    Stephane on

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