9 crystals to keep in your office and Feng Shui tips

- Christine O.

9 crystals to keep in your office and Feng Shui tips

Crystals have multiple attractions: there is the beauty of the stones, which speaks for itself, but there is also the composition of the crystals. And that’s where tradition and intuition come into play.

Depending on the crystal you choose, you could attract anything from love to financial gain. And one thing is for sure, you should trust your instincts when looking for a crystal.

But before you start looking for the crystal that will proudly sit in your office, it is useful to have some information.

In this article, we will show you 9 crystals to place in your office.

We will also give you some feng shui tips to make your office a warm and stimulating work space.

Crystal to set up work space at home

The best crystals for your workspace

Clear Quartz

When distractions arise, we love clear quartz because it helps us stay focused. This clear crystal reminds you to clear your mind and focus on your priorities.

Intention: Before placing it in your workspace, hold a piece of clear quartz in your hands and say, “I program this clear quartz for mental focus.” Make a to-do list and place your clear quartz crystal on top to remind you to stay on track with your priorities.


For inevitably stressful situations , use amethyst to help you find a place of calm and relaxation. It can keep you away from tense thoughts.

Intention: Hold a piece of amethyst in your hands and say, “I program this amethyst to calm my mind.” Then place it on your desk or workspace.

Whenever you feel stressed, use it as a visual reminder to reconnect to a calmer state of mind.

Rose Quartz

The gentle energy of a rose quartz crystal helps you remember to be compassionate and kind to yourself and others.

Rose quartz for workspace

Whether you've made a mistake or found another reason to be disappointed or harsh on yourself or someone else, rose quartz reminds you to approach all relationships from a place of love and of compassion.

Intention: Before placing it in your space, hold a piece of rose quartz in your hands and say, “I program this rose quartz for kindness.” Whenever you notice yourself being critical or harsh, squeeze it to connect to your heart.


The golden shimmer and abundant energy of pyrite crystal are associated with money and wealth in your life. Work with pyrite to help you focus on realizing opportunities.

Intention: Hold a piece of pyrite in your hands and say, “I program this pyrite for financial success.” Then place it on a business card, quote, or other document related to a project you're working on.

Tourmalinated quartz

If you feel stuck, use tourmalinated quartz to help break writer's block. Meditate briefly on the protective energy of black tourmaline and the clarity of clear quartz to help clear your mind and release the negativity that is holding you back.

Intention: Hold your piece of tourmalinated quartz and say, “I program this tourmalinated quartz for mental breakthrough.” Then hold it to your forehead until you feel ready to write. Once you're done, place it near your computer or journal.


As you develop relationships and make connections, use chrysoprase to focus on strengthening your social skills. Chrysoprase is associated with opening your heart, strengthening your authenticity, and supporting sincere communication so you can connect on a deeper level with those around you.

Intention: Before placing it in your office, hold a piece of chrysoprase in your hands and say, “I program this chrysoprase to develop connections.” You can also keep this crystal with you when traveling - put it in your purse, pocket or bra.

black tourmaline

The ultimate stone of protection, black tourmaline can be used to support your energetic boundaries and block other people's energy from entering your energy field. Think of her as an energetic bodyguard, keeping energy vampires and other negative influences at bay.

Intention: Hold a piece of black tourmaline in your hands and say, “I program this black tourmaline as a protective shield against negative energy.” Place one piece in each of the four corners of your office, home, or other room. You can also place a tourmaline orgone pyramid near the front door of your home or office door so that every time you see it, you know that you don't have to let bad vibes in.


For anyone who works with or near technology, it is recommended to use the energy of shungite as a reminder to balance technology with nature.

Intention: Hold the shungite in your hands and say, “I program this shungite as an energetic shield around electromagnetic fields.” Place it under your device (cell phone, computer, laptop). And hold your shungite crystal in the morning to help restore your energy.


When starting a new project, use the excitement and motivation associated with chrysocolla to get your business off the ground. Tradition is that this crystal inspires a new perspective and stimulates ideas.

Intention: Before placing it in your office, hold a piece of chrysocolla in your hands and say, “I program this chrysocolla for a new beginning.” Then place it in your creative space or workspace.

Arrange your work space at home according to feng shui precepts

Working from home can be a challenge. There are tons of distractions like family, pets, or roommates fighting for our attention, and having your office at home can make working difficult.

But there is hope! Feng Shui tools can help you create a home office that is more conducive to focus and productivity.

Plus, your workspace represents your career, so giving your home office a little TLC can lead to positive results at work.

Choose the right location

Working from home can blur the lines between your professional and personal lives. It's important to create a separate space for your home office as much as possible for a good work/life balance.

If you can have a dedicated room, that's ideal. Otherwise, do your best to create visual separation between your workspace and the rest of your home. A screen, curtain or bookcase can help divide the space.

The location of your office

One of the most important things to consider when it comes to your desk is dominance. This means that your desk is positioned in such a way that you can see the door when you are sitting at your desk, but you are not directly in line with the door.

This position gives you a better view of opportunities and ideas. It can also help you feel less stressed and more at ease because you can see anyone or anything that might be approaching.

If you are unable to get your desk into the door control position, there are several ways to correct this. If you must turn away from the door, place a mirror so you can see the reflection of the door while you sit at your desk.

If you must align your desk with the door, it's a good idea to hang a feng shui crystal ball between you and the door to help disperse any incoming energy.

Feng shui workspace

Next, pay attention to your view from your desk. Are you looking for something that inspires you or are you facing an empty wall? Facing directly into a wall can be a career blocker, so decorate the wall with artwork, a vision board, or other things that you find encouraging and uplifting.

You can even place a mirror to widen your view. It's also best not to look directly toward your kitchen or bed, as these can be distractions and may make you want to eat or sleep rather than work.

If you don't have a proper "desk", these same principles apply to your workspace which you set up on your coffee table, your kitchen island or your dining room table for example. Prepare yourself so that you are comfortable when seated in your work area.

Types of offices

Ideally, you want a sturdy rectangular desk. Heavy objects and square shapes are linked to the earth element, which provides support and grounding.

The color brown is also connected to the earth element, so a brown wooden desk can be particularly favorable. Make sure there are no cut corners and the work surface is opaque.

Glass desks are stylish, but working on a transparent surface can mean ideas and opportunities can slip through and get lost.

If you are getting a used desk, it is best to receive it from someone who has had a successful career, so that you also receive their success qi.

Feng Shui for your office chair

Look for an office chair with a high back, as it provides more support and stability. This results in a feeling of increased support in your work and career.

You also want to make sure you don't have too many chairs in your office, which could result in wearing too many hats at work.

In terms of color, it can be helpful to approach it from the perspective of the five elements. Determine which item would be most useful to you at this point and choose a color that matches that item.

Here are some ideas:

  • Fire: Do you feel dull at work? Need more passion and inspiration? Try a red chair to represent the fire element.
  • Earth: If you want more stability or support in your career, an earthy color like brown or yellow is a good choice.
  • Wood: The wood element can help with growth and flexibility. To encourage these qualities in your work, try a green, turquoise or blue chair to represent wood.
  • Metal: Metal is all about efficiency and organization, and it can also help us communicate clearly and use our voices effectively. Metallic colors like white and light gray are great choices if you're feeling unfocused.
  • Water: The water element is linked to wisdom and depth, as well as our social circles. If you want to develop more knowledge and skills, or want to network and connect with others, watery colors like black, navy blue or charcoal gray can be helpful.

Remember to trust your intuition when making a decision about your chair and choose the color that appeals to you the most.

Daily work at home rituals

In addition to setting up your physical space for success, it's important to create energetic space between your work and your home life.

Daily rituals at the start and end of each workday can really help.

Here are some ideas:

  • Clear your desk every day. You can do this at the beginning or end of the day, whatever works best for you. It can also help clear your mind and create a clean slate for your workday.
  • To start your day, try writing a list of nine goals you would like to achieve that day and circle the most important one. This helps place your intentions and energy for the day on the things that are most important to you.
  • At the end of the day, take a moment to recognize a success from the day. We often get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life that we forget to take credit for what we've accomplished. Even small successes count!

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